
Parkins: James pushed Owen even more. It’s just the first step to use your influence to get it done

Live Bar, November 12th, before that, Owen was caught in the “anti-Semitic” storm and was banned by the team. Then he made a public apology on social media.

LeBlanc James tweeted yesterday: “Owen has apologized. I think he can play.”

In this regard, Parkins gave his own opinion in the program NBA TODAY. He said: “I appreciate James’s use of his platform and words to make Owen play again. Referring to LeBlanc James, he is one of the most influential and iconic figures in the world. Not only in sports, but all over the world. So Yogueta really wanted to support Owen and put it into action, which was only the first step. Now, make a phone call and use your resources and influence to get this done. Everyone adores James in this league. He can call Curry, Durant, brother Alphabet and other most influential players. They can unite to bring Owen back to the stadium.”


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