
PJ-Tucker’s three points in today’s life ended the longest score record of 1 32 minutes 39 seconds

Live Bar, November 24-76 people 101-107 Wasps in NBA regular season.

The 76-person player PJ-Tucker’s life at 2 minutes 51 seconds in the fourth quarter of the game ended his longest NBA record of not scoring at 32 minutes 39 seconds, the previous record was 110 minutes held by Charles Jones.

In this game, Tucker played at 33 minutes 40 seconds, 1 in 4 shots, 1 in 3 points, 3 points, 7 rebounds, 1 assist and 1 steal.

According to statistics, Tucker scored zero in four consecutive games, which is also the longest consecutive game record in NBA history where he still scored 0 points for at least 25 minutes.


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